
Fees are payable on the day of service by credit-card.

Cancellation fees apply if less than 48 hours’ notice is provided for a cancelled appointment (see Cancellation Policy HERE).

$220/ session (see Pricing and Fee Structure Policy HERE).

Fees include both direct and indirect service provision i.e. session planning, consultation time, session notes. Where applicable, additional charges may apply*

For NDIS plan-managed clients please contact the Kite Centre directly to discuss the fee schedule option.

*Additional charges are billed at the NDIS hourly rate:

1. NDIS reports for funding purposes

2. Reports for third party e.g. school feeding management plans, letters to supplement GP referrals to specialists.

3. School/preschool and home visits (travel fee included)

4. Ongoing phone consults and extensive email follow up with families after initial appointments.

5. Collaboration calls with other professions/ teachers/ therapist etc.

6. Modified Barium Swallow (xray hospital swallow assessments) - referral paperwork and if required, attendance during the assessment.